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Welcome to my Wicked life.

Hello. My name is what? My name is who? Chika-chika. Slim Shady. Reeeeeeeeeeeemix. Just kidding. Ha.

Hi. My name is Anniee. About 3 years ago, I got myself a nice little starter camera. A Canon Rebel t3i. Currently, that's all I have to work with but more on that later. I've always thought of how differently I saw the world around me and how much I wanted to share that vision with (at the very least) the people closest to me. I love to people watch. I always have. I love the candid moments, the dark moments, the blissfully high moments, even the trying moments. Life IS a struggle but it is such a beautiful struggle. And sometimes, people forget that. Let me stand here and remind them. For as long as I can, I will. Let me stand here and inspire you the same way you inspire me. And trust me, no matter who you are, no matter what you do, as long as my path has crossed yours, I can assure you that you have inspired me.

I chose the name "Wicked" and even though it might not have been my most intelligent business decision, it was an honest one. I do think life is beautiful, and I am an optimistic person but I'm also a realist. I didn't have the easiest adoloscence and was touched by darkness much earlier than most. I knew I wasn't the villain of my story (if that's what you were thinking), and I sure as heck will never be the damsel waiting to be rescued but I could never fully identify with the hero. There was too much light there and for such a long time, I felt jaded and bitter and that always had it's resonance in my artwork. So one day as I was contemplating adjectives (because let's be honest; Anniee Adams is a great stage name but Anniee Adams Photography or Photography by Anniee Adams sounds very wishy-washy and generic and would likely get lost in the abyss) and the song "Defying Gravity" came on my iPod and inspired me. Now, there's something you should know about me and this song, in case you ever find yourself trapped in a car with me and it comes on (I apologize in advance). I always sing it. I mean, completely belt it out, move over Idina, I GOT THIS. Lol. And that's when it struck me. Everyone has just a little bit of Wicked something in them. Whether its Wicked kindness, a Wickedly cute little kid, Wicked intelligence, Wicked brains, Wicked good-looks, or a Wicked sense of humor. Either way, I'd like to showcase your Wicked side and we can have a Wicked good time.

Wicked [ 'WIKID ]

adjective (wickeder, wickedest)

1- evil or morally wrong

2- playfully mischievous

3- {informal} excellent; wonderful

Let's go on this Wicked journey, shall we?



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