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My decision to rebrand. Anniee Adams.

Let me start by saying that at first I had trouble coming to terms with this idea. I hate the standard [insert your name here, end in photography] or the even worse [photography by insert your name here]. It's not really that I hate it though, I just always felt it wasn't me. And it's not. This will undoubtebly take some time to complete, it's a big and expensive project (that I cannot afford) but it's a step in the right direction.

I'm renaming everything to just my name (very James Bond like) because I don't want to brand myself as just a photographer. I'm an artist and I use many mediums. I always thought my name would be a great stage name, and everyone agrees. I know my name was meant to be remembered, and this is only the beginning of my adventure. There is still so much to learn!

Over the coming months, expect lots of changes. I will be blogging more often and adding more goodies to the site. I also can't wait to share some of my stuff from SEE Sessions!!! It was such an amazing experience and reassured me that this is what I want to do for the rest of my life. If you'd like to see what it was all about go check out Jessica Sloane and Jessica Lorren are the most incredibly sweet and talented individuals, and getting to learn directly from them was a complete fan-girl moment for me. You can also check out the feature in Wedding Sparrow

I've also started a Gofundme account, because I do not have the financial resources to really kickstart this business and if you can help, it would seriously be amazing and I would love you forever. And if you can't, then just spread the word. I'm not here to compete with anyone, I really hope we all make it. This is my dream, and I'm going to fight for it.

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