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Do's & Don'ts: Family Reunions

We all have distant family, some that we see, some that we don't. Sometimes, if you're lucky (or unlucky....hey, not everyone feels the same) you're family reunites every so often. Maybe you have a large family but they all live far away (that's the case for me), or maybe they all live in the same area and you see them more frequently.

I debated about writing this particular post because I definitely don't want to offend or hurt the family that just paid me to take their family portraits recently but I think at the end of the day, I'd rather help more people out there who may be considering having a large group shot taken. So whether your cousin doubles as your best friend or not, I'm about to lay down some tips & tricks. Also, I will only post photos of Do's, none of the don'ts. I think that's fair. 

1. To Tee or not to tee

T-SHIRTS. Ugh!!!! That is all I can say about it right now. Seriously, don't. I know they are more comfortable, trust me, I get it. I live in t-shirts. I didn't think I would ever be this upset by t-shirts but I am. Seething. They do not look nice in photographs, and if you are paying all this money to a professional photographer, the least you can do is try to dress up a little decently.

Pinterest is a great source for fashion ideas if you're not good at this game.

Now, with this being said, I know there are some people out there that like the matchy-matchy stuff. I understand this weird affliction of yours as well, though I do not personally like it. But like my momma says, "para los gustos se hicieron los colores." Translation (sort of): colors were made because everyone has different tastes. 

I prefer color schemes but if you must match, t-shirts are not the way to go. 

Unless it is a stylized shoot, just avoid the Tees! 

2. Consider your surroundings when choosing outfits. 

This seems to also have been a topic of conversation recently, where someone wore velvet pumps to a beach shoot. They were adorable but most likely ruined after that. I hope she didn't pay much for those, I know I would have been upset if it was my shoes.

Again, pinterest could have helped. It really is a wonderful tool. (And I'm a little bit addicted)

Also, if you're considering taking photos on the beach after spending the day there, please, please, please try not to get sunburn. Again, I understand this imaginary base tan you speak of but I'd rather have to make your tan on photoshop than remove your is more difficult than the other. 

3. Colorschemes 

Let me tell you, I didn't even think this would ever be an issue. The thought never crossed my mind but I have a stirring feeling that it may just have been the t-shirts that brought this into the light for me. 

Neutrals are the best. And again, if Pinterest is too overwhelming, shoot your photographer a quick email or text, they can give you recommendations. We are here to help. Rant over. Go on with your newly learned self (I'm turning into a true southerner over here. Ha!) 

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