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Let me introduce myself

It's been a few years since I set up this website and introduced myself, and even when I did, I don't recall getting too personal. But I want people to know me, because I want to know people, especially you! Believe it or not, I'm totally an introvert. Here is a selfie of me, my beak, and BAM, before I got some mac daddy lenses:

So I am on the precipice of turning 30, I'm a little bit dreading it but that's because 29 has been a rough year. I won't lie to you and tell you that I don't call my grey hairs "glitter strands", but I freak out every time I find one because neither of my parents had grey until they were well into their 50's. The fear of uncertainty plagues me, I have this dream that I want to pursue full-time but I don't have enough cushion to do so, and my "day" job is less than ideal with no real opportunities to move up the chain. I document other peoples love lives, and families and yet I sort of stand in limbo with my own. I love photographing weddings but the thought of having my own literally makes me hyperventilate (if you knew my family, you would understand...I LOVE MY FAMILY, but all of them in the same room might actually result in some sort of nuclear disaster.)

I have an absolutely wonderful boyfriend, who puts up with me all the time (so obviously he deserves sainthood). He's constantly teaching me, challenging me, motivating me, and he makes me laugh every single day. I know that all sounds so cliche but it is so amazing to have a partner like him this day in age, I really have found that one in a million in him. To know him, is to know kindness.

He never lets me photograph him because he has to have at least one butthead trait to be a man, so here's a picture of him that he wasn't aware I was taking, and it's completely unedited with everyone in the background (I've gotten pretty good at cropping other people out).

I am a Florida girl gone Southern Belle, as I take on all of the incredible adventures South Alabama has to offer. I love it here, but I miss the beautiful blue waters of back home sometimes. However, I do not miss the expensive rent and cost of living. I also miss the island breezes, man, it is HOT & HUMID here in Mobile, and it's October. What happened to the seasons???

I love to travel and learn new things but my financial situation has been pretty bleak lately, the last few times I traveled were for my photography and that was so rewarding, and gave me a taste of what being my own boss could be like. I'm hooked. I want my own slice of that American pie. For real. So that's just a tiny bit about me. I'd love to hear about you! Send me an e-mail, or snapchat me or whatever kids are doing these days, I'll catch up eventually.

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