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Welcoming Ava Belle

"Speak to your children as if they are the wisest, kindest, most beautiful and magical humans on earth, for what they believe is what they will become." -Brooke Hampton

When I first started dating Elliott, almost 3 years ago, his sister had just had her first child. Being who I am, and the way I am, I held out as long as possible to meet his family, mostly because I didn't know how serious we were, or would be, and also because I tend to get attached, especially to children. Now add that to my immense baby fever, I think I made it like 3 months without meeting his immediate family. When I met them, I was immediately drawn to his sister, naturally. She just seemed like someone I could see myself being friends with, and we are close in age, so we had a lot in common. Of course, soon after that I was obsessed with Baby Addison because, seriously if you've seen this child you would be too.

Isn't she the cutest thing you ever did see? I love that kid.

Of course, the common conversation right after you have a baby is always, "so when are you having the next one?" I'm not sure why people feel the need to ask, frankly I think it's kind of rude and none of their business, not to mention, give this woman a break. Am I right ladies? But Emily & Garreth always took the question with so much more grace than I could possibly muster, and I think they always knew they wanted more than one anyway. And she's just as perfect as her big sister.

I can't even.

My favorite part of the day was whenever baby Ava would start to cry, Addison would take her hand and say, "don't cry Ava, it's ok." And would kiss her on the forehead. Couldn't you just melt? I'm so glad I get to be a part of their life and document it along the way. Insert heart eyes here.

And remember kiddos, life doesn't always turn out the way we expect it to, sometimes it's better.

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