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Liveoak Family Portraits

As Thanksgiving day approaches, I feel like we are all surrounded by people saying what they're thankful for, and not that I feel pressured, but I feel like I should share some too. This year has been particularly straining on me but it has made me appreciate the things I have even more. I have a roof over my head, food in my belly, and I am surrounded by wonderful friends and family that love me. I appreciate that, more than most because I have seen myself in positions in the past where that was not the case. Nevertheless, my advice to those who are struggling this holiday season, "just keep swimming" and if you ever need someone to talk to, shoot me an e-mail. I've been told I'm a pretty good listener.

So I should probably start out by saying that my lovely assistant/boyfriend was freaking out a bit because the sunset was directly behind us, so he thought the images would be too dark. This photo was completely untouched/unedited, whatever you want to call it, and to be honest, it's my favorite.

Ye of little faith.

When Chanel first approached me about doing cotton field pictures, I was thrilled. It was so hard for me to contain my excitement because I’ve been wanting to do this for years. It was my first time, and it was perfect. The light, this little family, the field... all of it was dreamy.

I am thankful for the opportunity they gave me, and I am grateful I get to call them friends.

And isn't momma just STUNNING?!?!? Am I right? Or am I right?

Their boys are adorable, and just had me giggling the entire time.

And all this sweetness?!?!?! GAH.

Talk about things to be thankful for!

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