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Fun Weekend in Miami

"Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire."

So this weekend was amazing.... Actually, I'm sure by the time I publish this blog, it will have probably been a few weekends in the past. Story of my life, oh well. What originally started as an "cheer up" weekend ended up being one of the most fun days of my life.

One of my very dear friends and I started the morning by heading out to the Frost Science Museum. I guess I should preface this with, I'm a HUGE nerd and I love going to museums. Ha! I just love to learn new things, I always have. School was my jam... until I couldn't afford to go anymore.

There's my friend, isn't she gorgeous?!?! I know. She's pretty amazing. But onward to more pictures, am I right?

I even let her hold BAM and get me in one of the shots, that should tell you how much I trust my friend. I may not have the nicest camera (because I'm poor, let's face it) but that is my baby and not everyone is allowed to hold her. You should be so lucky.

They also had this model of a Tyrannosaur something or other but WITH the feathers, and it made me giggle. Though if that thing came running after me, I'd probably lose control of some bowel movements. I'm sad Jurassic Park didn't have it right because those monsters were terrifying.

and of course, Sea horses!!! <3

After lunch, we headed to South Beach for a bit, just to kill some time before the Museum of Ice Cream.... yea, you read that right...

It was a gorgeous day out, and I was a bit disappointed I hadn’t thought of bringing swimwear. Story of my life! Glad I didn’t forget my camera, at least. And for those of you who follow me on Snapchat, you know there were plenty of shenanigans involved.

So low and behold: The Museum of IceCream.

It was so much more wonderful than I could ever possibly even begin to explain.

These pictures didn't do it justice. There was a lot of snap chatting going on.

The aesthetics of this place were pleasing, and free ice cream!!! (Well, it's not free because the tickets were pretty pricey but ICE CREAM!!!!!)

I will also admit that I ran into my childhood crush while at the Museum of Ice cream. What are the odds? I mean, he lives in LA, I live in Fort Myers and we're at the same place at the same time. And it was like reverting back to adolescence, I was so embarrassed. That man is definitely aging like fine wine, while I was looking like the ballerina hippopotamus from Fantasia. I'm working on that.

Moral of the story: It was a good weekend. Florida feels good on me.

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