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6 years later

As per usual, I'm late. Just on writing about it though. I just wanted to thank this couple for a few things along the way.

My very first wedding. I learned so much. I've grown so much since then. As a photographer naturally, but also just as a human, as a woman. This wedding changed my life. And continues to do so, even 6 years later.

I made a friend in a very peculiar way, almost 10 years ago. We were probably enemies at first, you can say because of the rumor mill. We dated the same guy (not at the same time) but he poisoned our opinions of each other (he poisoned a lot of things but that's another story). Although, one piece of advice I will drop on you youngsters, if someone has a pretty long dating history and EVERYONE they dated before is in some way a "psychopath"...maybe you should look at the common denominator. I'm just saying. That's my little tidbit of wisdom for the night, you're welcome. Anyway, I put 2 and 2 together and was having a whole sisterhood moment and VOILA! I made a friend.

This woman has been such a strong supporter of mine, through thick and thin. And when she got married, I adopted her husband as well. Their family didn't even skip a beat in allowing me to be a part of it. I've always been Aunt Anniee to their kids and I love them all to pieces. Her mother-in-law even became a very dear friend to me while I was in a toxic relationship and had lost sight of myself for a little while. She was someone that I could look up to, and be inspired by her. (Little did she know, she'd be stuck with me later.)

But I have to thank her fo such much more this year. Because if it hadn't been for her, if it hadn't been for the universe bringing us together and making us instant friends, I would have never met Matthew. And yes, we had a lot to learn before we could actually come together but I think the universe has been pushing me in this direction for quite some time and I finally stopped swimming against the current, and started riding the wave.

Anyway, I guess it's pretty awesome that now we'll be sisters! <3 (in-law but close enough)

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