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I do this every year. I promise myself I'll keep up with the blog but I swear this year I have the best excuse.

Her name is Margot Raeh and she is my little mini me, my moonpie, my Magpie. Born last year on Lundi Gras, she has brought a new zest to my life that I wasn't even aware I was missing. I can't believe she's a year old already (or she will be on the 28th) because it's gone by so fast but at the same time, I don't remember a time in my life when she wasn't there.

It's like she was always there. My imaginary friend that just appeared one day. She is all the best pieces of me and my husband and she has made me fall deeper in love than I ever thought possible.

So I apologize for the silence that was 2022, I will try to make it up to you. I'll show you a little of what I did last year, and I'm excited to share a few new things this year too. And of course, now I have a muse, so you can expect some fun things coming your way.

Anyway, here are all the fun photoshoots we did leading up to her birthday!

And then I decided to dive a little more into my idea for her monthly milestone photos and did this! (courtesy of Broadway South Dance Center).

She is constantly on the go, and I didn't have an assistant for this shoot, but I hear blurred shots are trendy now. I am really excited though because she seems to LOVE music. She cannot sit still and will dance to any beat. I just want her to love music the way her dad and I do.

I promise to do better this year. I will not just disappear, and if you want to hear/see more from me, you can also listen to our new podcast on Podbean - What the Faulk click the link to check that out. I thought it would be a fun project to do with my husband this year, and it is. I don't think it'll turn me into a content creator, I don't think I have the organization for that and a full-time job and being a mom but it's a new little hobby that we get to share with everyone.

So stick around, because I'm back baby!

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