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I have always had the AUDACITY to underestimate myself. You would think that having known myself for 32 years, I would've learned by now that when I say I'm going to do something, you better hold on to your britches because I'm going.

Depending on whether or not you know me intimately, you'll know what an amazing achievement this has been for me. For us.

I have been searching for that feeling of "home" since I was 10 years old. When my parents got divorced, it was ugly. My father kicked us out onto the street with nothing, his new wife made sure that we felt unwelcome and uncomfortable at every turn. My mother had just been diagnosed with a tumor and we didn't know what the outcome of that would be. I was daddy's little girl and I was being ripped from everything I knew and loved. We had nowhere to go. My godmother graciously let us move into a small apartment that was in the midst of being prepared, so it didn't even have a kitchen. Add some pre-teen angst and PTSD to the mix and man, you've got quite the cocktail for a 5th grader.

It was really hard.

My mom and I got by, but her love for my father clouded her judgment many times. This gave way to many mistakes. Listen, I loved my mother but it took a lot of therapy for me to learn from some of those mistakes and get to where I am today. This was my mother's dream. This has been my dream for as long as I can remember. And truth be told, I really don't think this ever would have been a possibility for me in South Florida. So now I'm not just a self-proclaimed Mobilian, now I am truly a Mobilian. I am home.

I have moved 21 times, this will be move #22. I have never in my 32 years lived anywhere longer than 3 years. This is HUGE for me. I used to panic at the thought of commitment, literally would start hyperventilating. So the fact that I just signed on a 30 year mortgage is... I'm just speechless on that. I really wish to extend all of my gratitude to everyone who helped us make this dream into a reality. I don't know that I could have done it without everyone's unending support. There were a few times there where I thought I was losing it (my sanity, I mean).

And then there's Matthew. My dear, sweet Matthew. We have been through so much, in such a short amount of time. I really admire him, more than I could ever say. Not only has he stepped up to every challenge and greeted it like an old friend with his unending patience, he has also kept me calm (for those of you that are not aware, I've been a spaz and after my mom passed away, pretty much just a ball of anxiety a lot of the time). He has this way about him, and he always knows what I need.

Apparently, after we closed on the house, he knew I needed a proposal. So he proposed. That is a story for another day but I can only hope that we continue to grow together, and I feel like I can take on the world as long as his hand is in mine. So like my momma would've said, "aguantate que voy." I guess it's safe to say, "I'm getting married y'all."

Also, in case you were wondering, now is the time to buy.


Realtor: Stacey Hastings, Remax Realty Professionals

Mortgage Lender: Bryan & Danielle Dewberry, Mission 1st Mortgage

Title Company: Pierce Ledyard, PC

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