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Failure to Launch.

Updated: Jun 10, 2020

A day in the life of a real mom of twins. I swear this was supposed to be an Easter set. Chrissy had gotten the boys new Easter clothes, and we were going to get the boys to sit and pose for just a few snapshots and then let them play.... well, this is real life at the age of 2 and so our goals were unrealistic.

It's hectic, it's messy, they're sticky, you can never go to the bathroom alone and they go from 0 to 60 real quick. But it's wonderful and so worth it.

Ummm, excuse me while I melt. Am I right or am I right? Billy and Chrissy made some pretty cute kids if I do say so myself.

Raising children is incredibly rewarding, or so I imagine, as I'm not really a mom yet but I've always wanted to be. Someday. -Le sigh- But I'm incredibly lucky to be a part of my friends life as they raise their children.

I asked the boys if they wanted to jump on mommy and daddy's bed (knowing that it would make for some really cute photos and loosen them up in front of the camera) to which they eagerly replied, "yeeeeeeeessssssss". I was so excited, and it was totally a fail. As soon as they got up on the bed, they decided they were terrified. Mind you, Chrissy absolutely reassured me that they are not usually scared of jumping on the bed, on the contrary, they're usually trying to sneak off and do all sorts of dangerous and wild things as most 2 years old boys do.

So, instead we decided to change into their nice clothes and get some sweet portraits.

That was fine until we got on the couch. And then, another meltdown.

Kyllian was being a good sport but Kylar had decided that's not what he wanted to do. I promised to take them outside to play if he would sit next to his brother for one picture.

That's the best I got.

The plan was then to go outside and jump on the trampoline, get some cute photos in their Easter clothes....

...obviously, that didn't happen either... and Kylar looks so pleased with himself too.

But we all had a good time.

Then more torture when we pulled them out of the pool for nap time (because HOW DARE WE?).

And then big sissy made her appearance.

Guys, my little heart. I've known this kid for a few years now but I am watching her grow up and I am a wreck. Why does the time pass so quickly? Anyway, she wanted to model for me and then refused to look at my camera. (Little did she know I'm an expert at candids. BOOM)

She looks more and more like her momma every day. One of my favorite people.

And then came trouble. He refused to go down for nap.

He thought he was hilarious. And then he proceeded to show us his physiognomy. Smart kid. He also let me know that he knows all his colors, letters and how cute he is.

No, really. After I showed him one of his photos, he said, "I'm so cute!" I about died laughing. So did he.

I'm learning a lot. Although I feel like I learned the most while I was a nanny (which is probably why it's taken me so long to procreate). Best piece of advice I can give young folks thinking they want to be parents is to work in the industry. It's incredibly rewarding but again, exhausting.

But I can't help feeling how bittersweet it is to watch them grow.

Until next time...

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