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Yo, Bruja

Updated: May 29, 2020

"Are you really a witch?", he asked. I told him to stick around and find out.

So, I have this amazing friend who puts up with my shenanigans. One day, as I was walking behind her back to my office from lunch (we used to work together) I had an epiphany! Or a vision! Whatever, you get the gist. Her long flowy locks inspired me and I knew I had to dress her up like Stevie Nicks meets Sabrina Spellman and go play in a forest with some smoke bombs. I wanted to exude a mood. We did the thing and this set was born.

It also gave me a unique opportunity to show my friend how insanely photogenic she is. I mean, for real, it's a little unfair.

Also, I know I've mentioned this before but just try and stop me, I have the most wildly beautiful friends. Hate on it.

Aaaaaaaaand, I got in on the fun too.

It's also sort of an inside joke in my family, as everyone has always said I'm a witch. I'm not sure if I really am but I'm intuitive and a bit of an empath. But shhhh.... it's a secret.

I was very drawn to witchy things for this particular shoot though. I wanted to play with light and dark characters. I wanted to burn things. I wanted good energy but I wanted it to feel a little bit dangerous.

I was also seeking a way to feel closer to my mom, since she was probably the one who started the family rumor about me being a witch. HA! Or it could've been my dad, who knows.

This was shortly after her untimely departure and I was struggling with so many unfamiliar emotions, and a very familiar darkness plagued me. I was very grateful for the support afforded to me by my friends and family but I felt very lost at the beginning without her.

I don't know that I found what I was looking for in this shoot, but I have slowly but surely been finding things within myself. But more about where some of the inspiration for this shoot came from.

Her hair is basically an ethereal entity. For real.

We also had a little Addams Family vibe going and I was about that life. Just saying. This has made me feel like I can definitely broaden my photography horizons into cosplay shoots, or other costume photoshoots. I know 2020 has pretty much sucked for everyone but I refuse to let it get me down, I'm still on the rise.

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